1901, Who, What , Where, When
1901, Who, What , Where, When What our ancestors were up to according to the 1901 Census…
A web log of my family history research
1901, Who, What , Where, When What our ancestors were up to according to the 1901 Census…
A summary of ancestors whereabouts and goings on 98 years ago…
Oh dear…the maths, the maths.
Mount Pleasant Kingswinford Joseph Merideth, Head, married, 30, Lab, Worcester Hyde Park Ann Merideth, Wife, married, 29, Worcester, Enville Eliza Merideth, Daughter, unmarried, 9, scholar, Worcester, Wollaston Mary Merideth, Daugher, unm, 7, scholar, Worcester Wollaston Joseph Merideth, son, 1,Worcester, Wollaston Interesting to note that the children were listed as being born in Wollaston. Could it […]
By 1881 the Merediths, Joseph and Ann were living at Checkhill – not far from where Ashwood Nurseries are today. The Hills were alive and well and living at Highgrove – between Kinver and the Whitington pub. But tragedy was not far away for the Meredith family. Two young children were to die, whilst there […]
PDF of map for better quality (2 meg)
Joseph, great grandfather born 6th March 1840 Q1 Stourbridge V18 483
Great grandfather Joseph and Great grandmother Ann marry in the fourth quarter of 1861: 1861 Q4 Dudley 6c 59
In Fred’s possession is a family bible, printed in 1870 – although my reading of roman numerals isn’t the strongest. At the back of the bible is listed names of two generations of the Meredith family. The Edward referred is my grandfather (born 1876) and the first entry, Joseph Meredith (born 1840), is by great […]