Tim Sunter's family history

A web log of my family history research


Edward Hill 1817 parents?

Visit to Worcestershire History Centre 26th May 2010 Research Quest Find Edward Hill (1817) on Alvechurch parish registers and discover who his parents were. Conclusion It is probable that Edward Hill was born in 1817 and baptized in Alvechurch in 1922.  It is therefore also probable that his parents were Thomas and Mary Hill. It […]

Edwardian Postcards

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR. In the early decades of the 20th Century there was a boom in postcard sending. In autumn 2009 this was highlighted in media reports of the work of Julia Gillen of the Lancaster Literacy Research Centre.  In her synposis of her work on Edwardian Postcards Ms Gillen explained: In the heyday […]